Old Soul has been invited to participate in the inaugural Durham Artsfest – Friday July 13 and Saturday. We’ll be part of the action – set up in a storefront in the beautiful town of Durham ON. — come and join in the fun !

The Durham BIA, Durham Art Gallery and Durham West Grey Lions are pleased to present the inaugural “Durham Arts Fest – Art Becomes the Neighbourhood” on Friday and Saturday, July 13 and 14, 2018.
In a June 21 media release, storefronts will be full of artists from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Lions will host a beer garden and barbecue on Saturday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Queen Street South will be closed off for a street dance party featuring live music by local group, Higher FunKtion, on Saturday from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
“The idea was to present a summer promotion that was different from our usual Sidewalk Sale,” said Michele Bossi of the Durham BIA. “So we thought, why not use a local asset – the large number of wonderful artists – to fill the downtown and beyond and have the whole promotion be a town-wide pop-up gallery,” she added.
Businesses are being asked to host an artist or two in their existing storefronts, if room permits, and have the artists create a mini-gallery in the store for the two-day event. “As well,” added Bossi, “we have approached the owners of the empty stores with the hopes of filling these buildings with artists and their vibrant artworks for the two days.”
The street will be alive with tables and chalk drawings and free arts and crafts for the whole family.
Culminating into the street dance party Saturday night, the street party will have fun and games for everyone from 5 p.m. onwards and the Lions Club beer garden and barbecue will be held in the municipal parking lot from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. The street party is a fundraiser for the newly restored Heritage Walkway Bridge and attendees are asked to bring loonies and toonies, or more, to donate.